داستان آبیدیک

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1 حقوق:: تشکیل معنا

Second, subjectivism holds that the meaning in a person's mind when that person speaks or hears, reads or writes, a word-her understanding- constitutes the meaning of that word for him or her.21 Accordingly, Corbin defined interpretation as follows: The interpretation of a written contract is the process of determin ing the thoughts that the users of the words therein intended to convey to each other.22 Similarly, the Restatement (Second) explains: The objective of interpretation in the general law of contracts is to carry out the understanding of the parties rather than to impose obligations on them contrary to their understanding: "the courts do not make a contract for the parties."23 If a language-user's understanding of an expression's meaning thus constitutes the expression's meaning for her, there is little possibility of finding language unambiguous. We participate in language communities that constitute the mean ings of their language uses socially.26 So, we can be mistaken about the meaning of what we say or hear, read or write-a possibility Corbin and the Restatement (Second) do not allow. It supposes that what was in the mind of a speaker or hearer, a reader or writer, constitutes the meaning of the language he or she used. The reason is that a language community's conventions of lan guage use constitute the meanings of language used in a context. And what an individual person had in mind when speaking or hearing, reading or writing lan guage does not constitute the meaning of that language; so subjectivism can produce arbitrary interpretations that do not respect the contractual freedoms.

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